I love my enfold theme!
a couple questions for additional help:
Can you recommend a Form generating plugin that is compatible with enfold theme?
I tried using Formidable but it crashes the theme.
Can you recommend a Calendar plugin. I would like to show upcoming events in the sidebar. Any suggestions for that would be great.
thanks for your help – joe
Hey fixedopsinsight!
Actually I’m using Formidable on my website ( http://inoplugs.com/contact ) with Enfold and it works just fine. Can you elaborate on “it crashes” please?
Best regards,
Hi Dude,
When I install the Formidable plugin and activate it, my screen goes white. I have to log in through the FTP and remove the Formidable plugin to get things working again.
Other plugins I have are:
simple login lockdown
wordpress firewall
wordpress importer
wordpress SEO
Could the crash be happening because of one of the other plugins?
Do you recommend a different form creator?
Ah ok – please try to increase the allocated php mermory to 128M. Please see http://www.dailyblogging.org/wordpress/increase-wordpress-memory-limit/