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  • #165244

    Hello. I’m using the MyMail Newsletter plugin. The plugin allows you add in your own html code for the newsletter signup form. Using the Page Builder, If I add a text block to my page and add in the form code, the input box and submit button display just fine. However, if I try to Save the text block, the text is not saved and it kicks me out to the Pages section. It’s almost like the form tags are not supported in the editor. Any suggestions? Here is a sample of the form code below. Thanks.

    <form action=”; method=”post” class=”mymail-form mymail-form-submit mymail-form-0 extern”>
    <div class=”mymail-form-info success”></div><input name=”_extern” type=”hidden” value=”1″><input name=”action” type=”hidden” value=”mymail_form_submit”><input name=”formid” type=”hidden” value=”0″>
    <div class=”mymail-wrapper mymail-email-wrapper”>
    <input id=”mymail-email-0″ name=”userdata[email]” type=”text” value=”” placeholder=”Email *” class=”input mymail-email required” tabindex=”100″>
    <input name=”submit” type=”submit” value=”Subscribe” class=”submit-button button” tabindex=”101″><span class=”mymail-loader”></span></div>


    Hi joe88!

    I noted that too, but here’s a trick when it kicks you out of the Edit page page, go back and click the Restore backup link (The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below. Restore the backup.) that appears on top, then save it, i tested locally and managed to get it working with this code:

    <form action='' method='post' class='mymail-form mymail-form-submit mymail-form-0 extern'>
    <div class='mymail-form-info success'></div><input name='_extern' type='hidden' value='1'><input name='action' type='hidden' value='mymail_form_submit'><input name='formid' type='hidden' value='0'>
    <div class='mymail-wrapper mymail-email-wrapper'>
    <input id='mymail-email-0' name='userdata[email]' type='text' value='' placeholder='Email *' class='input mymail-email required' tabindex='100'>
    <input name='submit' type='submit' value='Subscribe' class='submit-button button' tabindex='101'><span class='mymail-loader'></span></div>



    Hi Josue. Thanks for the help. That certainly worked fine. :)

    One additional question, is there something within the framework that re-formats the positioning of the elements. For example, the form code is configured to show the submit button next to the email field. However, on the page, it shows the submit button under the field. It seems to show correctly in a simple html file. Any suggestions? Thanks!


    Hi Josue. Please disregard my last comment. I just made a few CSS changes and now the field and button is aligning properly.

    You can close this topic. Thanks for all your help. :)

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