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  • #1364482

    Dear Team,
    I just made a sitemap and noticed elements that I don’t want to be seen by customers, particularly all those falling under the category Frontpage Article, Images, News, Uncategorized and Items de Portfolio. They are all models of pages that I don’t use, but I can’t achieve finding where they are, cause they’re not included in the site or at least not visible in the list of pages. Is there a way to find them and delete them ?
    Thank you in advance for helping,
    Best regards,


    Hey HulaSlim,

    If pages appear in your sitemap, then it’s very likely that they exist on your actual site. If you want to delete categories, the you can do so under Posts->Categories, or Portfolio Items->Categories. Please note that category pages won’t appear under Pages in the WordPress menu.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Thank you for the explanation. Gret. I’m done with the site map.
    Just one more question: where am I to display this page, I mean: where do people display that normlly ? In the footer ?
    Thanks again



    Thanks for the update. Do you mean the sitemap page? If so, then I would not recommend linking to it anywhere, as it’s more or less only used by crawlers when they index your site. If I’m misunderstanding your question, then please try to explain what you mean a bit further.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    As Rikard mentioned above, only web crawlers require sitemaps specially when the site is large. For users, they can always use the main navigation if they got lost, which is very unlikely. You can also add more links in the footer and sidebar widgets if necessary.

    Please check this link for more info about sitemaps.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you for taking up.
    After your both comments, I decide to give up on this sitemap. I will only use the Yoast one for Google. So this issue is solved.
    Best regards to both

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