Looks great on Desk/Laptop but has godaddy default ‘coming soon’ page on mobile view… I’ve never seen this with any WP theme I’ve ever built a site with… any help please?
ENFOLD ROCK$!! Any new WP themes coming out so I can be first to purchase… Please!
Hi sterlingwilliam!
It is coming up fine for me on mobile now. If you just recent set it up it could have just been a delay in things showing for your mobile network or its dns getting resolved.
Best regards,
Thanks for quick reply Devin (yall there ROCK!) yeah still just getting Godaddy default page on mobile, and same on my friends phone. This is first time used new godaddy Cpanel and don’t see how an issue could be Enfold! So thanks and will figure out
#FingersCrossed for new WP Krie$i theme awesomeness soon!