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  • #267318


    I get an error in my footer.
    I think I removed something wrong.

    How can I restore this?

    The footer.php code is now:

    global $avia_config;
    $blank = isset($avia_config[‘template’]) ? $avia_config[‘template’] : “”;

    //reset wordpress query in case we modified it

    //get footer display settings
    $the_id = avia_get_the_id(); //use avia get the id instead of default get id. prevents notice on 404 pages
    $footer = get_post_meta($the_id, ‘footer’, true);
    $footer_widget_setting = !empty($footer) ? $footer : avia_get_option(‘display_widgets_socket’);

    //check if we should display a footer
    if(!$blank && $footer_widget_setting != ‘nofooterarea’ )
    if( $footer_widget_setting != ‘nofooterwidgets’ )
    //get columns
    $columns = avia_get_option(‘footer_columns’);
    <div class=’container_wrap footer_color’ id=’footer’>

    <div class=’container’>


    //create the footer columns by iterating

    case 1: $class = ”; break;
    case 2: $class = ‘av_one_half’; break;
    case 3: $class = ‘av_one_third’; break;
    case 4: $class = ‘av_one_fourth’; break;
    case 5: $class = ‘av_one_fifth’; break;
    case 6: $class = ‘av_one_sixth’; break;

    $firstCol = “first el_before_{$class}”;

    //display the footer widget that was defined at appearenace->widgets in the wordpress backend
    //if no widget is defined display a dummy widget, located at the bottom of includes/register-widget-area.php
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $columns; $i++)
    if($i != 1) $class .= ” el_after_{$class} el_before_{$class}”;
    echo “<div class=’flex_column {$class} {$firstCol}’>”;
    if (function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(‘Footer – column’.$i) ) : else : avia_dummy_widget($i); endif;
    echo “</div>”;
    $firstCol = “”;




    <!– ####### END FOOTER CONTAINER ####### –>

    <?php } //endif nofooterwidgets ?>

    <!– end main –>


    $copyright = do_shortcode( avia_get_option(‘copyright’, “© “.__(‘Copyright’,’avia_framework’).” – “.get_bloginfo(‘name’).”“) );

    // you can filter and remove the backlink with an add_filter function
    // from your themes (or child themes) functions.php file if you dont want to edit this file
    // you can also just keep that link. I really do appreciate it ;)
    $kriesi_at_backlink = apply_filters(“kriesi_backlink”, ” – Enfold Theme by Kriesi“);

    //you can also remove the backlink by adding [nolink] to your custom copyright field in the admin area
    if($copyright && strpos($copyright, ‘[nolink]’) !== false)
    $kriesi_at_backlink = “”;
    $copyright = str_replace(“[nolink]”,””,$copyright);

    if( $footer_widget_setting != ‘nosocket’ )


    <footer class=’container_wrap socket_color’ id=’socket’ <?php avia_markup_helper(array(‘context’ => ‘footer’)); ?>>
    <div class=’container’>

    <span class=’copyright’><?php echo $copyright . $kriesi_at_backlink; ?></span>

    echo “<nav class=’sub_menu_socket’ “.avia_markup_helper(array(‘context’ => ‘nav’, ‘echo’ => false)).”>”;
    $avia_theme_location = ‘avia3’;
    $avia_menu_class = $avia_theme_location . ‘-menu’;

    $args = array(
    ‘menu_id’ =>$avia_menu_class,
    ‘container_class’ =>$avia_menu_class,
    ‘fallback_cb’ => ”,

    echo “</nav>”;


    <!– ####### END SOCKET CONTAINER ####### –>

    } //end nosocket check

    echo “<!– end main –></div>”;
    } //end blank & nofooterarea check

    //display link to previeous and next portfolio entry
    echo avia_post_nav();

    echo “<!– end wrap_all –></div>”;

    { ?>
    <!–[if lte IE 8]>
    <style type=”text/css”>
    .bg_container {
    -ms-filter:”progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='<?php echo $avia_config[‘fullscreen_image’]; ?>’, sizingMethod=’scale’)”;
    filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='<?php echo $avia_config[‘fullscreen_image’]; ?>’, sizingMethod=’scale’);
    echo “<div class=’bg_container’ style=’background-image:url(“.$avia_config[‘fullscreen_image’].”);’></div>”;


    /* Always have wp_footer() just before the closing </body>
    * tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which
    * generally use this hook to reference JavaScript files.


    ‘ id=’scroll-top-link’ <?php echo av_icon_string( ‘scrolltop’ ); ?>><span class=”avia_hidden_link_text”><?php _e(‘Scroll to top’,’avia_framework’); ?></span>
    <div id=”fb-root”></div>


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by e-conomy. Reason: forgot website

    Hey e-conomy!

    Please download a fresh Enfold theme from ThemeForest and replace Footer.php file in Appearance > Editor

    Best regards,


    Where and how do I do that.

    Where can I download a fresh template?
    How do I get the code of this fresh one while i cannot install this?

    I dont get it?



    You can login on ThemeForest with the account you have purchased Enfold and go to Downloads section to download it. If you are not able to access WordPress backend, you can replace the file via FTP. Please take a look at updating via FTP video for instructions –

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Since updating to the most recent version of Enfold, I can no longer update my widgets. I have to make a tiny change to some text in a footer widget and there is no longer an opportunity to do so.

    Can you help?

    Thanks, Amy



    Can you create an administrator account and post it here as a private reply?


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hey Amy!

    I was able to change something and it got reflected as expected, what exactly are you experiencing when trying to update a Widget?

    Also, have you tried disabling all third-party plugins to see if it gets fixed?


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