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  • #662462

    Hi I realise this is above and beyond regular support, but I have been working on this site for 2 months, and am sure this is straight forward for someone that is familiar with the enfold theme.

    There is a page on my new enfold site that has to work with a backend, so in order to get this page to work I have had to edit the HTML outside of wordpress. I created the page in wordpress, then took the HTML out of the file, and just added the bit of code in to get the back end working, this means i can no longer edit it in wordpress but it is almost where I need it to be.

    The one problem i have is somewhere along the way I have lost the full width on the footer. I am sure maybe there is just a section that has been closed early or not at all or something along the way and maybe this has messed it up.

    Can anyone see something easy i can add to the HTML or CSS to get the footer at the bottom of the page (which starts as detailed in the private section) to go full width?

    Many thanks

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by spleeky.

    Hi not to worry, I’ve managed to figure it out, sorry for the wasted forum post!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by spleeky.


    Not a problem. Glad you were able to figure it out!

    Best regards,

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