Is there an easy reason why I do not see the footer menu, despite having one created and then selected as the Enfold Footer Menu?
Actually, I think I misunderstood the footer menu in the first place. I was hoping it was a floating footer (at the bottom of the screen always). So, that said, not sure if it is not working, though it does not appear to show with it selected anywhere.
Is there any way to achieve a floating menu at the bottom of the screen.
Thank you for using Enfold.
It is somehow possible to switch the socket or footer to fixed position. Add this on Quick CSS or custom.css:
footer#socket {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 6000;
Best regards,
and by the way : if you like to have a site that validates at w3c you have to create two menues and set the one to main menu and the second to footer menu even if they have the same entries, because otherwise you got to objects with the same id (this does not validate on w3c)
Wonderful, thank you!
If I wanted to not use the socket as a menu (in traditional sense), and instead put several pop-ups in it, is there a good way to achieve this? There is traditional navigation at the top, and at the bottom, we want to use navigation that answers questions like:
I need: (pop-up 1)
Find a specific service: (pop-up 2)
Get Involved with: (pop-up 3)
I know this could get involved, but any chance you could get me started on the right step?
Yes, that is quite possible but the task falls beyond the scope of support. Please find a plugin or hire someone to create it for you. Please visit Envato Studio or Werkpress for further customization.
Best regards,