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  • #582822

    Hi guys!
    I used the code below to transform the footer menu to look like the socket one. Can you please help me center it now?
    Thank you very much!

    Kind regards,

    #footer .widget_nav_menu li {
    position: relative;
    margin: 0;
    clear: none;
    float: left;
    display: block;
    font-size: 11px;
    border-right: 1px solid;
    padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
    height: 30px;}
    #footer .widget_nav_menu li a {
    position: relative;
    top: -5px;}
    #footer .flex_column.av_one_fourth.first {
    width: 100%;}

    Hey Lucian!

    You have a nice site. We like to help you setup the footer menu to look like the socket menu please share the link to the socket menu whose look you are trying to achieve and also the link to your site.

    Vinay Kashyap


    Hi Vinnie!
    I’m just trying to center it now.
    i tried the code below, but it doesn’t work.
    Thank you very much!!

    `.menu-footer-container {text-align: center}
    .menu-footer{with:auto; display: inline-block}`



    We need to take a closer look to see what is causing the footer to float left always please create a temporary user with ‘administrator’ role and share in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you better.

    Vinay Kashyap


    Hey Vinnie!
    How are you? Please find the credentials requested below.
    Thank you so much!

    Have a great day!!!!
    PS: please take a look at the “product details in lightbox” topic. I could really need some help with that one. It’s the most important one :)



    We have added the below code to quick css and centered the footer. Since you have another ticket open for the product details we will close this ticket. Let us know if everything is fine now :)

    /*Center the footer */
    .menu-footer-container {
        display: inline-block!important;

    Vinay Kashyap


    Hi Vinay!!!
    It worked like a charm, thank you very much!!

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