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  • #748844

    Hi Dears
    i wanna to make the right and left footer statements in the socket such as the following :

    Logo Designed with (Heartbeat image ) by : iAnazi Copyrights © 2017 iAnazi

    also abut the translation to Arabic ?
    how can i add it please


    Hey ianazi,
    You can place your socket statement in Enfold Theme Options > Footer > Copyright.
    You can also use the code below for the heart, and I found that searching Google for “translation to Arabic” gave a Google translation box to copy and paste from.


    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Mike.

    Thanks Mike
    but my question is how to make it 2 statements
    one in right and other in left


    Ok, we will use the copyright socket as your left statement (Enfold Theme Options > Footer > Copyright)
    and for your right statement we will create a footer menu going to Appearance > Menus > Create a New Menu and name it “footer” and click create menu. Add a new custom link with “#” as URL and enter your text as navigation label and then check “Enfold footer menu” under Menu settings. Then click “Screen options” on the top right corner and check “CSS classes” and then give your footer menu (custom text) a custom class (‘ianazi’ for example) then please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab.

    .ianazi { pointer-events: none !important; }

    custom footer menu

    Best regards,



    I did it using <div class=”push-right”> in the position where I want to separate the text. All the text in the copyright socket (Enfold Theme Options > Footer > Copyright) and you will get texts separated left and right (also I use [nolink] to remove the Enfold link)

    For Example, in your case: if you want on the left “Logo Designed with (Heartbeat image )” and on the right “by : iAnazi Copyrights © 2017 iAnazi” the code should be:
    Logo Designed with (Heartbeat image ) [nolink]<div class=”push-right”> by : iAnazi Copyrights © 2017 iAnazi

    I hope be usefull
    Jose Ramon


    Thank you for adding this, I’m sure it will be helpful.

    Best regards,

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