I have 2 issues:
For my video page (spanish/english) http://coolsitemachine.com/es/sabrostar-video-page-espanol/ it makes sense having the option at the botttom “This post is also available in: Spanish” but for some reason it is showing undesirable in some other pages (http://coolsitemachine.com/productos-sabrostar-english/). How can I prevent from this line of text to show in pages other than the video page.
I tried translating the text-widget titles at the footer for both versions (spanish and english) but once I change the one version in english, then the spanish version gets changed also, and viceversa. I tried STRING TRANSLATION but it did not find the strings.
See the following link for screenshot: http://coolsitemachine.com/download/error.png
Hey Victor!
1. I’m not seeing the ‘This post is also available in: Spanish’ string in the pages you linked.
2. Refer to this: