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  • #1422643

    Hi there,

    it is not possible to activate my footer in my website.
    I tried all options at “Theme options – footer” but no settings are displayed at the frontend.
    Do you have any idea?



    Hey Philipp,

    Are you overriding header.php or footer.php in a child theme? If so, then please update those files with the parent theme files.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    no I didn’t. If you want I share you crendentials to my site in the private content…

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The footer of the home page was deactivated in the Layout > Footer-Einstellungen settings, and we reactivated it. Please make sure to purge the cache and perform a hard refresh before testing the page.

    Best regards,

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