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  • #1413124


    after i update the theme, the footer is displayed incorrectly. In the backend the widgets are still as before, but on the page widgets are displayed in the footer that are not to be found in the backend.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by alexs91.

    Hi alexs91,

    Thanks for giving us admin access, I have checked the widgets and it seems to be accurate, I believe during the update unintentionally being moved to the inactive sidebar, you can check here but it rarely happens. Please try to check the inactive widgets and move those widgets to its proper location.

    Best regards,


    Is this something, you could do? To be honest, i dont understand anything on the link you sent me. I rarely work with enfold.



    Hi alexs91,

    The link I gave is a little bit technical since it’s a ticket to WordPress for the issue you’re having.
    To fix the issue on your end, please go to Appearance > Widgets > scroll to the bottom and see the widgets showing under Inactive Widgets and just drag them to their proper Footer Column.

    Best regards,



    the widgets are the same before and after the update. I created a staging site with wp staging, there you can see in the backend, it’s still the same but on the website there are widgets in the footer, that can’t be found in the backend.



    Hi alexs91,

    I can see 1 widget per Footer Column, basically 3 widgets for the footer which is basically the same as what is in the backend. So, with your comment:

    but on the page widgets are displayed in the footer that are not to be found in the backend.

    I checked the footer on each pages in the main menu however, I did not find any additional widgets showing.

    Best regards,


    Did you read what i was saying? I updated the website on a staging site. When you log in normallly, the theme isn’t updated.

    Log in to the webseite. Go to WP Staging, Staging Sites, Go to Staging Site. There is the website with the updated theme. In The backend, there are the normal widgets as before, but on the updated staging site, there are different widgets in the footer. I would send you images here but it’s not possible.


    Do you have a solution? I renewed the support only because of thsi problem.



    Hi alexs91,

    I apologize for misunderstanding, the problem you’re having is caused by the obsolete codes in your child theme’s header.php and footer.php file.
    I have fixed the child theme in your staging site and you can use it for your live site.
    Please review your site and if you need further assistance regarding this topic, just let us know.

    Best regards,



    thank you. Is it possible that you do it directly on the live site?



    Hi alexs91,

    Yes, I have made the changes and also updated to Enfold 5.6.4.
    Please review your website. :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you, but do you know what happened to the slider on the homepage in the mobile version?

    This can’t be right.



    Hi alexs91,

    I have modified the font size of the content of the homepage slider, please review your website.

    Best regards,


    Thank you but it looks really strange on my phone. The buttons are not in sight and the fonts are displayed very weird. Is there another solution for this? You should really work with slider revolution. Also the first slider is now different on mobile than the second slide and i don’t know what you did there.



    Hi alexs91,

    I just adjusted the font size for both the title and content inside the slider.
    I don’t know how it looks on mobile before the update, so I tried to check on webarchive how your website looks before on mobile (link in private content), that’s where I based it from.
    As for the second slide, I have adjusted it.
    These slider’s don’t really scale that well with mobile devices, so I think you can try to use layerslider for it.

    Best regards,


    Ok, thank you.


    Hi alexs91,

    You’re welcome :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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