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  • #979177


    I set a page to be my footer and added a code block to it. Now, the content of this code block (three customized buttons) is showing up at the bottom of every page in the footer – except the page called “Leistungen”(in English: services). I deleted the code block and added a new one, but this didn’t solve the problem. Could you help me please?

    Edit: This seems to cause the problem: When you have a code block on your page and a code block on the page you set to be your footer, the content of the code block in your footer isn’t showing up. If I remove the code block from the page “Leistungen”, the content of code block on the page I set to be my footer is showing up. But I need the code block on the page “Leistungen”. How can I fix this bug?

    Best regards,


    Hey zizibe1,

    The content in the code block element seems to only be html markup, could you try it in a text block element instead maybe?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    Thank you for your reply.

    I added a text block to the page I set to be my footer, clicked on “Edit Element” and then on “Text”. There, I added my html markup and clicked on “Save” and “Update”.

    Now, when I go to the page “Leistungen”, the three buttons are showing up at the bottom of the page in the footer. But the three buttons aren’t next to each other anymore. They’re now below each other. How can I fix this?

    Best regards,



    I removed the inline breaks between the links, they are now lining up. Please review your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Great! Thank you very much for your support.

    Do you have any explanation why the code block element didn’t work?

    Should I also replace the code block element on the page “Leistungen” with a text block element although it seems to work fine?

    Best regards,



    I’m not sure to be honest with you, but I’m glad it’s working. If it’s working on the other page then there is no reason to change anything :-)

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Okay. Thank you very much again for your support.

    You can close this topic now.

    Best regards,



    I’m glad you were able to get this resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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