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  • #1053419


    I was looking at the website which I am developing using Firefox (newest version) on a laptop of my friend. Strangely, the socket appears a lot bigger than it should be (see the screenshot attached in private content).
    On the computers I use and on all the browsers I tested on the socket has the correct height. Also Firefox shows the correct footer height on my computers.

    How come that there can be cases where the footer can have a different height?
    I included the following css in an effort to rule this case out, but it didn´t help. At friends laptop the footer was still too big.

    #socket {
    max-height: 54px; 

    I understand that if there is not enough content on the website, then the footer automatically increases in height to make up for the missing content. However, in the case of the website at hand this cannot happen because color sections are always set to 100% on this website.

    How can I rule this case out?


    Hey P3T3R_0ne,

    The footer looks fine in FF on a Mac. Did you get it working? Which screen size is that?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    basically the footer looks fine on pretty much every device and browser I tested on. However, not on Firefox using the laptop of my friend. He also had MS Edge installed. On Edge the footer was displayed correctly.

    I checked if is Firefox was updated to the newest version, and yes it was. Not sure what his screen size was but approximately 15 inch.


    Hi P3T3R_0ne,

    So you mean the issue is still there and it’s on a PC.

    I’ll ask my colleagues to check.

    Best regards,


    I took a look at your site with Firefox on Windows, and the socket stayed at 54px high no matter how I adjusted the screen.
    I also tried disabling javascript, to emulate a possible error, but it didn’t change the socket height.
    From reading your post, it seems that when you tried testing with your own computer you were also unable to reproduce the error, sorry I don’t know why your friend’s laptop is doing this.

    Best regards,



    I know it´s strange. I wasn´t able to replicate the case either but I saw it on my friends laptop with my own eyes. I asked if the socket still appears bigger, but did not get answer yet.
    It doesn´t seem to be an important thing to spend too much time on so let´s see.
    I keep you updated….


    Please do, thanks.

    Best regards,



    I had the chance to spent 5 minutes on said laptop.

    Firefox was up to date, the cache was cleared and firefox inspector showed that #socket max-heigt: 54px !important was being applied.
    However, the socket was still way bigger than supposed to be (as seen in the screenshot).

    But I found out something. It seems that on Firefox on said laptop all WordPress pages have a bigger footer than supposed to be. I visited the other Enfold website I made and it also had a bigger socket than it should. I also visited a couple of other WP sites and all had a bigger footer. Therefore, it is not an Enfold issue.
    All websites have the footer/socket displayed normal when using MS Edge on the same laptop (other browsers not installed).

    I think the socket actually has the correct height, but it just moves up a certain amount. It moves up even though the color section is set to 100% of the screen. On other pages there is a lot of content so you have to scroll down but the footer still has moved up and is displayed too big.

    I don´t know what is causing it. I hope it´s just a very rare case.


    Thanks for your investigation and feedback.
    I believe that this is a rare case, as I have checked your page with Firefox again and it seems to be normal
    If your satisfied that this is not the Enfold theme, shall we go ahead and close this then?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    yes, I guess we can close the issue.

    Thank you for the support.


    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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