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  • #425825

    I dont know where to start, but suddenly the footer of widget & socket section is being displayed in a boxed layout on a page.
    The website is setup as full width layout.

    This happened when i removed the grid layout at the bottom of the page. ( Trying startup demo theme – our story page)

    I am experimenting the new enfold version on localhost, so here is the snapshot link

    Edit 1:

    On further test found that last element of the page in layout builder must be a grid row element, else footer socket is displayed under color section as well as top wp edit bar is shown blank.

    Why this behaviour ??

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by echoashu. Reason: added further test result and find out the bug causes

    Hi echoashu!

    Can you please post the link to your website so we can look into it?



    Hi There,
    As i mentioned i am testing the new version on my localhost, so cant reproduce on the live wp site.
    Best is i can give out the snapshots of front layout, avia builder components and chrome inspect , if that would help.

    However i zeroed down to the grid row element, and if i dont have grid element at the bottom of the page, socket is displayed in shorter width (inside the color section which is now the last avia element on the page after removing grid row).

    And vice versa on adding grid element , layout returns back to normal :-/



    My bad, i missed that part.
    Did you add any custom code to your page? Can you also try de-activating all active plugins and check if that helps?

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately it doesn’t resolved even after disabling all plugins (“duplicate post” and “Custom Post Type UI” – only extra two plugins ) .

    I have added no other custom code except

    // add custom post type = Candidate support for layout builder
    add_filter('avf_builder_boxes', 'add_builder_to_posttype');
    function add_builder_to_posttype($metabox)
    	foreach($metabox as &$meta)
    		if($meta['id'] == 'avia_builder' || $meta['id'] == 'layout')
    			$meta['page'][] = 'candidate'; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/
    	return $metabox;

    However the issue is appearing even on default wp pages built with avia layout. Also pfa the inspect snapshot when socket is displayed wrongly

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by echoashu.


    Is it only happening on that page? If so then it’s most likely an element your using at the top of the page that is not being closed properly.

    Send us a link and we’ll take a look.


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