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  • #1368635

    Dear Team,
    I can’t achieve making the green one and the dark blue button of the footer as small as the other ones. Is there a code fto make them smaller like the other ones ?
    Thanks for helping and kind regards,


    Hey HulaSlim,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Would you mind providing a screenshot of the button issue? We can’t find the green and dark blue buttons in the footer. You can use imgur, savvyify or dropbox for the screenshot. Thanks.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for the message.
    You couldn’t see them because the link I had put caused an error that surrounded those images in a dark box. Now I removed the links and they appear, they are the last 2 ones.
    Thanks for helping.



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The first two images are 500px in width and the other ones are only 60px. Have you tried uploading larger images?

    If you want to adjust the size of the last two images with css, try this css code.

    .slide-entry.av-l92qx96a-e21ee406ab1f2dd06e3b163c0cc4572c, .slide-entry.av-l92qx37q-da3c9e94abdb538001ca2c87d54ce9d3, .slide-entry.av-l92qx96a-e21ee406ab1f2dd06e3b163c0cc4572c span, .slide-entry.av-l92qx37q-da3c9e94abdb538001ca2c87d54ce9d3 span {
        width: 30px;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    The code doesn’t have any effect (I added it in the image settings).
    I changed the image, and gave it the same dimensions as the others (500) but it still shows bigger. Plus, I tried to put links on it, but they make the image appear in a blue box (I left the ResearchGate button with links so you see the problem).
    Thanks for helping and kind regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Ismael,
    Here’s a third update. The dimensions of the images are now ok.
    But there still are two pending issues related with the links (since, when links are not there, there are no problems):
    1. the links placed on the partners’s logos that make the icons appear in blue boxes.
    2. the three icons at the bottom (Mentions Légales, CGA, Confidentialité) that have jumped out of the black lower bar.
    Thank you for cjecking out this issue. I recall having had the same problem two months ago.
    Thank you, best


    oh, and only four icons are showing, while they are in fact five. The third one is invisible.


    Please try this code in the General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field or in the WordPress ▸ Customize ▸ Additional CSS field:

    #footer-page.footer_color .avia-content-slider .slide-image {
    	background: none;

    Please see the screenshot in the Private Content area for the expected results.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thank you for the code. It did work, except for the third partner icon out of the five: it shows up without link, but as soon as I put one it disappears. I tried reload the image and nothing changes. Have an idea what it can be ?
    Thank you for helping and kind regards


    When I check it looks like it has no image or link so there is nothing to show, if you do have an image in the backend please include an admin login in the Private Content area so we can also see the backend. Is this one also going to have a link? If so please apply the link and image the way you want it in the backend so we can see why it is not showing on the frontend.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks for the login, when I checked the backend the third one was set to No Link
    I added a hash because I don’t know what link it should have and now it is showing, please add the correct link:

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    There was a link and the image was not showing during days. I don’t understand.
    In any way, it is now fixed. You can close the subject. Thank you and regards,


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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