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  • #1450484

    Dear Kriesi-Team,
    I have encountered a strange problem: A website, which worked perfectly fine changed her overall-Fontsize (or I did something stupid) and is now stuck with a fontsize of 13 pt on most of the parts – menue-entrys and Slidercaptions. This is somehow inheritet from the body-element but i didn‘t set it in your typographie-settings. Also (and I hope I don‘t have to open a new topic for this) the Fontsize of the Menue-Items ist stuck in the same size and I can‘t change it via your typography-options.
    I hope sombody can take a look and give me a hint…

    Best regards


    Hey -wol-,

    Thanks for the login details. 13px is the default theme setting, did you try to activate and change the Default Content Font Size option under Enfold->General Styling->Typography to see if that helps?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    thank you for your reply. I tried this before and it did not work. Tried it a few minutes ago and now this part of my problem ist solved.
    … but stillI am not able to change the size of the Menue-Font. I did this via „enhanced Styling“ –>> „Main-Menue-Links“ but there is no reaction.

    best regards



    It looks like you have invalid or incomplete CSS in Quick CSS. The last media query is not closed for example, you can check your code using a tool like this: Theme settings will not apply if there is invalid CSS in Quick CSS.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    I thought my mistakes would be ignored by the system :) Thank you again for your help, I cleaned out all the wrong stuff and now it works.
    Have a nice weekend


    Glad Rikard could help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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