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  • #1368903

    Dear support,
    Problem: The integration of Google webfonts – danger of warning GDPR
    It’s about Google Maps and reCaptcha 3v
    How can you stop the Google fonts from loading in these two Google services on the first visit to the website?
    Only by cookie logic?
    Or also by script, function.php etc.?
    I don’t want to and can’t ask the visitor every time whether he wants to use Google Maps or reCaptcha (many people don’t even know what that is)?
    And if the visitor doesn’t activate reCaptcha in the cookie banner, then he goes to the contact form and wants to send me a message, then that doesn’t work. Because then it says big and bold that this contact form cannot be used … because no reCaptcha is activated …. :(
    The visitor doesn’t even know what to do and disappears from the website….

    What is the best thing for me to do?

    Above all, I want to prevent SPAM via the contact form and a simple location visibility via Google Maps.

    Do you have a solution for this please?

    Thank you for your great help!!
    So thanks!



    Hey strumpumpel,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Problem: The integration of Google webfonts – danger of warning GDPR

    Did you enable the privacy options in the theme? You are probably more in danger of non-compliance with GDPR if you don’t block Google services by default because they are the services that actually collect data from the users and create cookies in the local storage, not the fonts that they are loading.

    If you want to keep the spam protection enabled even without users’ consent, you can try this plugin to disable the fonts.


    Best regards,


    Hi together,
    after deactivating ReCaptcha and even deleting it completely from my google account, the logo is still shown on my site on bottom right.
    Why that?
    Best regards,


    Hi Dieter,

    Could you please disable it in Enfold theme options > Google Services as well?

    Best regards,


    Dear ismael.
    thanks for your help and answer!

    But this plugin deactivate don’t fonts from google maps service … Google maps come in a frame. ..

    And this plugin // don’t block fonts in a frame …

    Any other ideas?

    best regards



    Aside from the privacy options, there is no option in the theme that can block, disable or remove fonts from Google Maps or other Google services. You can try the solutions provided in this thread but we are not sure if they will actually work.


    Another thing that you can do is to notify your users (in the privacy policy page, or popup window) that by continuing to interact with the site, they allow third party services such as Google Maps to collect data and store cookies and load resource such as Google Fonts. Again, you are already in violation of GDPR by allowing these services to load without users’ consent or without using the privacy options to block them.

    Best regards,

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