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  • #1463382

    im working with a fontello custom-pack*, made sure all fontello needs are ok.
    instead of loading my icons (like in the fontelo test-page) enfold just grab the letters.
    tryied let fontello set any ASCII number for the icons and still no success


    any tips? any support?

    alternative solution (the best imo):
    -> allow svg being added as a second option instead of icon-packs..
    — like that —>
    some themes have icons/images as options, i need to add some interesting product cards

    thanks in advance


    Hey tiago,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Where did you get the fonts? Please note that only monocolored icons are allowed in the Custom Font Manager. Colored icons cannot be uploaded. You may need to upload the icons as images instead of font icons.

    Best regards,


    Hello thanks for your fast aswer, you rock!

    You may need to upload the icons as images instead of font icons.

    im trying to use this component:
    (the movement while hovering and present more information is awesome for my company needs)
    there’s a way to add icons as images (pngs or svgs) in THIS component?

    please, can you kindly, consider the fact im not a “PHP guy” and i am very unassisted in that area right now, so a detailed explanation would be apreciatted if involves some lvl of coding.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by tiago.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    idk what happened, but NOW my iconset actually worked…

    Good to know. Did you upload the icon set again?

    Best regards,


    Good to know. Did you upload the icon set again?

    no.. maybe i guess it is some laggy cache because i made some tests before that version. you can call this case as closed! :D

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