Tagged: enfold, font, font rendering, heading, heading font, safari
August 14, 2013 at 6:04 am #27752
On Safari (Mac OS 10.9 Version 7.0 (9537.54.1)) the font seems to be rendered (doesn’t look well on a retina display). Firefox on the same machine looks sharp. Does the enfold theme use some kind of font rendering engine?
August 15, 2013 at 2:23 am #135221Hi joerg_schaefer,
Which text specifically? There isn’t anything in the theme that renders font but depending on your style choices you can be using google fonts which are hit or miss on how browsers render them.
Also, with Helvetica specifically I know on some systems its installed as “HelveticaNeue” and others its “Helvetica” which can sometimes cause issues but even then it should still degrade without issue.
August 15, 2013 at 2:57 pm #135222We’re using HelveticaNeue and it’s installed on the Mac. On Firefox and Chrome everything look well. Only Safari seems to render fonts in low resolution…
August 16, 2013 at 7:17 am #135223Hi,
I’ll tag Devin and Kriesi. They can check this on an iOS device with retina display.
August 16, 2013 at 8:42 am #135224Hey!
Which version of safari? And are you on a retina macbook? Looks perfectly fine on my imac, iPad and iPhone…
Best regards,
August 18, 2013 at 5:46 am #135225Except for ‘Pacifico,’ no matter font choice I make for headings in ‘Theme Options > Styling,’ my site’s headings are set in a bold version of HelveticaNeue — but only on Safari — version 6.0.5 (8536.30.1). See this screen shot of a heading that should have been rendered in Sunshiney, but renders in HelveticaNeue: http://bit.ly/18Db60N. Firefox and Chrome render the correct font. I’ve only tested on OS X10.8.4.
This problem appeared only after updating to version 2.0 of Enfold (I was running 1.5.1). I should point out that between the site working under 1.5.1 and now, I updated WordPress to 3.6, which screwed up a good many things. But since this is a preview site for a client on which I could wait for a fix, I did just that, and held off downgrading to WordPress 3.5. Instead I just waited for your newer version of Enfold that would be compatible with WP 3.6. Also know that no matter what font is selected within the Styling settings panel, the font is properly rendered within the ‘Demo’ section of the settings panel—see http://bit.ly/13uN2zc—it’s only on the public side of the site (and on Safari) that I’m seeing the font substitution problem. Perhaps it matters also that all along I had been using ‘Pacifico’ as my headline font, and decided to change it only today, which is how I uncovered the problem. N.B. The font info pop-up that is displayed in the screenshot of the site is generated from the ‘WhatFontTool’ plugin, which is available at http://chengyinliu.com/whatfont.html.
August 19, 2013 at 8:33 pm #135226Hi cwisniewski,
The theme update for 3.6 was 1.9.1 so there was no reason to wait for 2.0.
It sounds like you may need to check the permissions on the files the theme creates in your uploads folder of your WordPress files. Make sure they have permissions that will allow WordPress to write over them (eg chmod 755).
August 22, 2013 at 12:36 am #135227Devin,
Thanks for replying. The permission setting for [Wordpress Base] > wp-content > uploads > dynamic_avia was 777, which provides a superset of permissions that 755 does. Nevertheless, I reset the folder to 755, and tried again. No change — which was expected.
There are four .css files in that folder. It looks as if only one of them — that which has the same root name as my child theme — has a timestamp comparable to my attempts to save changes in my styling choices. What should its Permissions table be set to? Right now, it’s at 644, as are the other three.
As for why I waited for 2.0 rather than 1.9.1, that was only because I was out of town and/or busy on other tasks.
August 23, 2013 at 1:10 pm #135228Try updating to 2.0.1 and also changing the permissions on the css files in the folder to 777 as well. I only recommend 755 since 777 isn’t as secure and is last step effort typically.
August 25, 2013 at 8:36 pm #135230Hey!
@cwisniewski can you post a link to your site so I can check it with my safari?
August 27, 2013 at 3:50 pm #135231Kriesi, Devin:
To see the site I’m referring to, visit http://preview1.rpna.org
On the Mac I’m using Safari 6.05 (8536.30.1), On the iPad I’m running iOS 6.1.3 (10B329) “Safari/8536.25”
After reading your recent suggestion, Devin, here are my results:
On Mac:
Was running with Pacifico, visited styling settings, changed to Sunshiney, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), Sunshiney displays!
Revisited styling settings, changed to Yellowtail, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still HelveticaNeue
Revisited styling settings, changed to Bangers, returned to site, still showing HelveticaNeue
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still HelveticaNeue
CHMOD dynamic_avia folder and child theme’s CSS to 777
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still HelveticaNeue
Revisited styling settings, changed to Gruppo, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still HelveticaNeue
Updated theme to 2.0.1 using new ‘Theme Update” menu item in theme settings
Site still showing HelveticaNeue
Revisited styling settings, changed to Lobster, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Refreshed Safari using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still HelveticaNeue
Reset Safari ( Safari > Reset Safari [with everything checked] )
Revisited styling settings, changed to News Cycle, returned to site, showing News Cycle!
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still News Cycle!
Revisited styling settings, changed to Salsa, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still HelveticaNeue
Revisited styling settings, changed to Tangerine, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still HelveticaNeue
Revisited styling settings, changed back to Salsa, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Visited the ‘About Us’ and ‘Digital Resources’ pages and saw that their headings were rendering in Salsa — but main page is still in HelveticaNeue
Visited these same three pages in Firefox (main, About Us, Digital Resources). and can see identical results as in Safari, so it seems that the problem is not limited to Safari.
Revisited styling settings, changed to Sunshiney, returned to site, showing Sunshiney!
Refreshed SafarI using the rounded arrow glyph in URL bar (on the far right), still Sunshiney!
Revisited styling settings, changed to Salsa, returned to site, showing HelveticaNeue
Visited the ‘About Us’ and ‘Digital Resources’ pages and saw that their headings were rendering in Salsa — but main page is still in HelveticaNeue
I can’t figure out what pattern is emerging.
Also, I have returned permissions to 744, for I, too, was surprised that they were 777, and do want to open the system up to unnecessary risk.
August 29, 2013 at 1:15 pm #135232Can you try de-activating Jetpack and see if that helps. Unfortunately Jetpack while having lots of features has terrible integration with many premium themes.
Give it a bit of time, log out, log in, close browser etc and then go back into your styling options and try re-setting a few options and saving.
August 29, 2013 at 5:44 pm #135233Devin,
I turned off Jetpack, logged out of admin mode in WordPress, reset Safari (the browser I was using to effect the deactivating of Jetpack; in fact, the only browser I had running at the time), shut down Safari, restarted Safari, and ran some more tests. Here are my results:
Visited the site’s home page, but did not log in.
The headings in the header were colored blue, which is not correct. See this screen shot: http://bit.ly/1587FfC
Scrolled the page, which causes the heading to collapse
The background color of the collapsed header was not preserved, See this screen shot: http://bit.ly/17oUhGa
Logged in and changed from Salsa to Sunshiney
–Looks good (checked front page only)!
Changed from Sunshiney to Lobster
–Front page bad, but Digital Resources and About looks good!
Changed from Lobster to Yellowtail
–Front page, About Us, Digital Resources are all bad (“bad” — here and elsewhere — meaning HelveticaNeue is being rendered instead of the requested font)
Refresh Safari
–Front page, About Us, Digital Resources are all bad
Reset Safari
–Front Page bad, About us and Digital resources good
Log in to site (previous reset forced logout)
—Styling options still set to Yellowtail
—Home page, About Us, and Digital Resources all looks good
Changed from Yellowtail to Mate SC
–Front page, About Us, Digital Resources are all bad
Changed from Mate SC to Yellowtail
–Front Page bad, About us and Digital resources good
Changed from Yellowtail to Salsa
–Front page, About Us, Digital Resources are all bad
Switched from Safari to Firefox (23.0.1)
Viewed site without logging in
–Home page good, About Us and Digital Resources bad
Refreshed Firefox
–Home page good, About Us, and Digital Resources bad
Switched from Firefox to Safari (already logged into site on that browser)
–Home page good, About Us, and Digital Resources all bad
Refresh Safari
–Front page, About Us, Digital Resources are all bad
Inadvertently hit my Add to ReadLater toolbar button
After new tab showed up, on which Read Later login page displayed, closed that tab
The earlier preset tab, showing home page, refreshed automatically, and was now good!
Revisted About Us and Digital Resources, which were bad
Revisited Home page, which was now bad!
Reset Safari
Revisit home page, which is good
–About us and Digital resources bad
Refresh Digital Resources
—Digital Resources still bad, as is About Us; home page still good
Switched from Safari to Firefox
Viewed site without logging in (Home page still showing Salsa from earlier visit)
Refresh Firefox
Home page still good; About Us and Digital Resources bad
September 3, 2013 at 11:46 am #135234I noticed from your screenshot you have a few extensions/plugins active with Safari and I’m wondering if there could be a conflict there. Neither I nor Kriesi are getting the same issue on our end and I know I at least try and keep things pretty stock.
Another option is to try clearing WP Super Cache cache completely and then deactivating it. Change settings, test things out and see if there are any changes in how the font is getting spit out on the front end.
Its just a very strange set of occurrences that doesn’t seem to have any specific trigger.
September 5, 2013 at 12:51 pm #135235Hey! Another question: is there any chance that you got a browser plugin that might be messing with the page? After browsing the site for 15 minutes in various browsers on various devices I have never encountered a single error. everything looks fine to me ;/
September 5, 2013 at 10:08 pm #135236Devin, Kresi: I will get around to testing possible plugin incompatibility before the coming weekend is out.
September 6, 2013 at 12:32 am #135237Just let us know since as of right now neither of us on different machines have been able to get the same issues. Bit odd but hopefully we can find the root of whats going on.
September 6, 2013 at 12:59 am #135238I’m having the same issue as cwisniewski, except I’m running chrome, Version 29.0.1547.65, cwisniewski, could you list the plugins you are running?
September 6, 2013 at 1:48 am #135239Hi TylerDrew,
Please make a new topic describing your issue and a link to your site. This one is already a bit long and I don’t want it to get further derailed or off track since we have not really found a root cause.
September 17, 2013 at 10:40 pm #162556 -
- The topic ‘Font rendering on safari/mac’ is closed to new replies.