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  • #1212958

    Hi Folks,

    new little font-problem. I loaded new fonts into Enfold without a problem,
    but they’e not shown up in the frontend. Also in the small backend-preview
    they’re not shown up! Please take a look at the screenshots.

    I’ve got absolutely no idea what the reason for this is. ;-/ I hope you know it!
    Maybe the best is to look directly in the backend?

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Where did you get the fonts? Please note that you can only upload fonts from Google. If you have a custom font from a different source, try to manually add them using the @font-face rule.


    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    thx for your answer!

    Good information! I didn’t know that I only can upload Google-fonts.
    Not nice but ok…now I know it. Why you didn’t write that on the
    documentation-page? That’s a really important information! (in my opinion)

    I’ll try now your tipp to use the “@font-face rule”…hope it works. Until I tried
    please let the thread open…thank you!

    Best regards



    Alright. Let us know if you need further help. We’ll keep the thread open.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    now I tried the “@font-face rule“ and I thought I did it right but unfortunately
    the font doesn’t appear in the backend. By the way – where does the font
    should appear? In the tab “fonts“ at the bottom in the “general stylings“?

    Please take a look at the screenshots – on the first you see the style.css with
    the font-rules. Are they ok? On the second you see the wp-path. So, where
    is the mistake?

    Best regards


    Hi Carsten,

    Thanks for the update. If you add a font using CSS then it won’t show up in the theme options, and you would need custom CSS in order to display it on your site. If you want to change the h1 element for example, the CSS would look like this:

    h1 {
      font-family: 'InfoTextWeb_W04';

    If you can’t get it to work then you might have to change the URL for the font to the full URL, like
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Rikard.
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