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  • #360065

    I use Korean and English on my theme. When I wrote the titles in Korean everyplace (Main menu, post, page), they didn’t reveal. In case of using Korean and English together on the title, English comes but Korean is disappeared.

    Best regards,

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by louisleetm.

    Hi louisleetm!

    I see the korean characters on my end. Did you get this fixed? If your still having problems then try clearing your browser cache or view in a different browser.


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    Alrighty, I see it on your blog page. It looks like your using Cufon to convert the Korean characters? Did you make sure to include the Korean glyphs when converting your font to Cufon?

    It would probably be best to deactivate your Cufon plugin and have the Korean characters display with the default font.


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    1. I’m pretty sure it’s Cufon. I switched your heading font back to “no custom font” and it’s displaying fine now. If you want to use a custom font with korean characters then I recommend checking out the WP Google Fonts plugin and use some CSS to target the headings.

    2. That’s how the template is meant to display,


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    Your using it correctly but you forgot to disable the custom Cufon font in Dashboard > Flashlight > Styling. You also have some custom CSS you need to remove.

    body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, li, p {
        font-family: "Nanum Gothic" !important;

    I added some custom CSS in the WP Google Fonts option so you can see how to convert certain areas.

    .menu a {
        font-family: "Josefin Sans",arial,sans-serif;


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