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  • #258606

    When I use the advance editor and then a text box I get odd spacing issues. When I add text, and do a soft or hard return I get sometimes double spacing or none. I’ve checked the code and it’s now all bunched up into one huge chunk. I just notice this happening lately and it’s driving me nuts. I heard it might be TinyMC causing issues, but Ive turned that off and there is no difference. Any ideas as to what is causing the code and spacing issues?


    Hey Snerp!

    Are you using the latest version of Enfold (2.7.1) and WordPress (3.9)?



    Yes I’m using Enfold 2.7 and WordPress 3.9

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Snerp.


    When you say you turned off TinyMCE, do you mean a plugin for TinyMCE? The visual editor in WordPress *is* TinyMCE but there are lots of plugins out there to modify it.

    Since we’ve not had any other reports like this I would also suggest deactivating all active plugins and checking to see if the issue is still there.




    I just noticed a new update 2.7.1 I loaded the new update and now all is good once again. WHEW!

    Thanks for getting back to me, much appreciated.

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