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  • #213411

    1 – please send the code to target the font color in the icon list so we can match it with the main content font colour.

    2 – if we want to change the type sizes etc… for a specific page is there a simple way to do this?

    3 – how to set up the header fonts so they get proportionally smaller in pad or phone mode?

    4 – This question from 2 weeks ago was never answered: When we switch to default editor it is no longer possible to edit a page created with the advanced layout builder – the entire page simply disappears in the editor. The possibility to use short code becomes impossible.

    It would be great if you would add an alphabetical list of the main HTML/CSS/PHP code to alter main items in the website so we can just look up instead of asking. Would save both parties much time.


    Hi DaraEmerson!

    1- You can use following classes

    .alternate_color .iconlist_content, .main_color .iconlist_content { color: red; }

    2- You can right click on Chrome and on Firefox and click Inspect Elements to find out page ID’s and add your code as following { font-size: 16px; }

    3- Are you not using responsive layout?
    4- You can turn on debugging mode to see shortcodes of the layout you have build in avia layout builder. Please see

    Best regards,


    4 – We cannot change any information in this section added with the PHP debugging
    (I tried but no changes occurred).
    It is simply a reference – yes?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by DaraEmerson.

    3 – Yes we are using the responsive mode but I have made some changes both within a specific text block and/or in the child CSS

    2 and 1 – we will implement and let you know how it works –




    Can you post the link to your website?


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