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  • #1327047

    Hi, I have tried tiresome to find an easy fix without complicating the website. Here is my issue:

    The font size on mobile (mostly tablet in portrait and landscape) changes size when I go to a column less than 1. So if I go to 4/5, 3/4, etc. the font size changes. I would rather not have to change every column to adjust to a portable piece. When I did try that, however, I noticed the leading was not running the same compared to where I did not make this adjustment. Does this make sense and is there an easy fix?

    I tried placing columns and text boxes in a color section, etc.

    Thank you!


    Hey pamk21,
    Thank you for the link to your site but I don’t think I understand, I tried creating a test page with different columns and viewed on mobile but the font size was the same for each, please adjust the test page below so I can see this error and investigate further.

    Best regards,

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    Thanks for the feedback, when I check the page for tablet 768px all of the paragraph text is: font-size: 15px, line-height: 24.75
    this includes the lower 5 1/1 columns and the top 4/5 column, the only one that is different is the second text block in the top 4/5 column, the one you manually made 20px, changing the font-size also changes the line-height to 33px
    Are you referring to the list items below? While they are also using font-size: 15px, line-height: 24.75
    they also have a top & bottom padding of 3px which makes the line-height look more.
    I’m using Chrome on Windows in dev mode, I don’t have a iPad, are you seeing this on an iPad? Can you also see this with a desktop Chrome in dev mode?

    Best regards,

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    The 3px padding on the li is shown here in green:
    but I thought it was the paragraph font size that you were talking about, please see the screenshot below I put red boxes around the paragraphs that I thought you were comparing.

    Best regards,

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    Ok, looking at my screenshot with the red boxes, the first box is the text in the 4/5 column, the other boxes are the full columns,
    there is no difference in font size or line-height between these, do you see a difference?

    Best regards,

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