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  • #1388018

    Hi there, I’m trying to add more icons to Enfold to be used as part of builder to show up here:

    I tried manual upload but fontello doesn’t work properly (tried custom and even ones on the website doesn’t show up correctly)

    Either way,
    1. I have installed Font Awesome Plugin (free plan)
    2. I also found another thread & reviewed

    and added font awesome 5 script on functions.php
    tried using CSS to add icon wit hfont size.

    Can you please help?


    looks like someone replied but I cannot see the reply??? (it says 2 posts but when I open it just my own)


    Hm? i do not see my post on submitting. – i try again:

    To maintain the usability of the icon usage of Enfold I would not do the recommended installation ( as plugin ), but proceed as follows?
    Download of the free package. Open the zip file – then extract the svg folders.

    Open the Fontello page and drag the complete contents of one of the folders into the Custom Icons field. Now all the svgs will be uploaded. Then activate all of them there in the Custom-Icon field ( or only selected icons ). Assign a name – here in my case fontawesome-solid and download that package.
    Rename the zip file if you like and upload it via import to Enfold.
    Now you can choose these files like the entypo-fontello files in your alb elements.


    yes – they changed the server and something on board soft. So my post is located in the endless expanses of the Internet clouds.
    Here is my second trial:

    i would do the following to keep the similar usage as the entypo fontello icons:
    Download the free Fontawesome – unzip it and extract the svg folders. There are probably three. Open one of these folders – e.g. the solid folder. Now go to the fontello page. There is a custom icon field at the top. Drag all – or only the svg icons you want into it. Activate all of them (you can do this by dragging the left mouse button). Give them a name in the upper right corner ( e.g. fontawesome-solid ) and download this set.
    Upload this zip to Enfold – Import/Export – Iconfont Manager.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Kriesi.


    We are working on the hiccups our site currently has with certain replies. You should be able to see @guenni007’s replies. Please refer to his posts :)

    thanks for your help! Wherever your posts may be, we always see them :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks, now it magically works… :D

    One more question… or maybe this is a feature request but would love to be able to SEARCH icons… instead of scrolling on tiny space we have.. or be able to make the icon display space bigger… see screenshot


    I have summited this as a feature request, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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