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  • #1054380

    Location: Footer

    In the footer html i’m using below code:
    94-2/1, Galle Road, Colombo 06,
    Sri Lanka.

    (Email address hidden if logged out)
    <i class=”fas fa-mobile-alt”>+94 762 98 78 78</i>
    <i class=”fas fa-mobile-alt”>+94 762 83 78 78</i>
    <i class=”fas fa-phone-square”>+94 114 33 91 00</i>
    <i class=”fas fa-fax”>+94 114 67 49 49</i>

    Here <i class=”fas fa-mobile-alt”> this kind of code not working.
    I want to add mobile, phone and fax icons for the numbers in the footer.


    Hey prana_aok,

    Did you add the font awesome link to the header.php file?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    no i didn’t, also how to do that ?



    Add the following to header.php right before the closing head tag

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-UHRtZLI+pbxtHCWp1t77Bi1L4ZtiqrqD80Kn4Z8NTSRyMA2Fd33n5dQ8lWUE00s/" crossorigin="anonymous">

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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