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  • #1466506

    i have same issiu on eshop for another country (same enfold, same plugins, same wordpress). Custom CSS from is not working.

    Can you please take look at it and possibly send me custom CSS? After switch to storefront theme is everything ok…

    Sending login in private content.

    Please activate plugin flux checkout, you can debug on live version.


    Hey napsteris,
    I enabled the plugin and checked the cart page, but I found no issues like your other thread, please try again and clear your cache. Please see the screenshot in the Private Content area of my results. If the issue is different than before, please explain further and include screenshots.

    Best regards,



    its should look like this: (private content screen). Change theme to storefront and you will see.


    I don’t see where you added the css from the other thread that worked for your test site. The “flux-checkout__shipping-table” area seems to be not displayed because something is forcing a zero height for the element, on the test site it is about 86px which is automatically added by javascript and not the css that I posted for you. Adding height with css would probably not a good solution as the height needs to change depending on the cart.
    Try checking all the plugin setting to see if there is a difference in this or a different plugin, if the test site and the live site are exact clones it should work, otherwise try disabling your other plugins and then reload the page. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually and reload the page until you find the conflict.

    Best regards,



    I tried disable all plugins – still same issue.

    When I activated storefront theme all is OK. So how could flux checkout force something….

    Sending screen with storefront theme activated (this is how it should be with enfold activated too).


    Perhaps I am misunderstanding, when I check your test site with the custom css the cart page with flux checkout is working as you wish, correct?
    But not on your live site, correct?
    Are these two site exactly the same?
    I don’t see the custom css added from the other thread added to the live site, did you add it, and where?

    Best regards,



    i have 2 same sites on 2 different domains. Only one difference is in WP language.

    CSS is added via quick css in enfold menu (screen).


    Thanks for your patience, but the check-out on these two site are not the same, one shows a address field (sk), and the other doesn’t (cz), one only has only one a flux-checkout__content-wrapper (sk) and the other has two (cz), one has the “Doprava” at the top of the sidebar (sk), and the other at the bottom (cz)
    These changes in the page source code probably making the css from before not work correctly and are probably due to different settings in the plugin, please try reviewing so both are the same. We are limited to the support that we can offer for third party plugins, but perhaps if you can use the plugin settings to adjust the placement of the “Doprava” and add the address field back it may then work correctly.
    Please that Enfold may not support all woocommerce plugins, especially ones that are created for the “shop theme”.
    I also see that you are using two different versions of the Flux Checkout plugin.

    Best regards,

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