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  • #1036351

    Hi Ismael!

    The ‘Load More’ function of my masonry element causes a flickering while loading more content.
    Tested Enfold 4.5 with Google Chrome and it still flickers.
    Tested with Safari and the flickering is minimal.

    Sending you access to one of the sites (it’s a staging site) but it happens on all sites.

    Thank you!!!



    Hey havi,

    Hmmmm… works fine on my end.

    Can you please make a small screencast of the issue on your end?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I do have making a small screencast on my todo list. Sorry, I just launched a new site and this may be caused by some leftover js from previous versions as the new site does not exhibit this behavior.

    It would be faster if I give you access to one of the staging sites. Or we can wait until I do the screencast. As it’s not a high priority ticket, I leave it up to you.

    Let me know which way we should go.





    It’s because of the loading icon. Please use this css code to fix the issue temporarily.

    .avia_loading_icon {
        display: none !important;

    Update the theme to the latest version, 4.5.2.

    Best regards,


    Thank you. Ismael!!

    Updated to 4.5.2 and the flickering is gone! There’s only a small side to side movement after the load more but totally livable!

    Thank you so much!!!

    Warm regards,



    Ooooopps!! I spoke too soon. I was testing on Safari.

    I just checked on Chrome and with 4.5.2 it flickers a LOT!

    I will add the code to the css and let you know.


    Ho Basilis,

    The code worked!! Thank you!!



    Great! Glad it worked. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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