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  • #1294196


    I was wondering if it is possible to create a column layout in Enfold where one column can extend further down the screen than 2 or more columns to the side of it, as in the sample here: – maybe through ‘nesting’ layout elements? I’ve tried, but can’t get it to work…

    Thanks :)

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Niels.

    Hey Niels,

    That should be possible if you are adding your content manually, and if you use 1/2 + 1/4 1/4 elements. If you need further help, then please post a link to where you want to implement this, and which content element you would like to use.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for that Rikard :)

    I’m just trying to set the following type of grid/layout using Layout Elements with Text and Image Blocks, but can’t avoid the 1/4 columns (3, 4, 5, and 6) falling below the taller left hand 1/2 column.

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    The grid-row element is a drag and drop element for other elements.
    so insert a grid-row and click on add cell to have three cells. – Now click on “Set cell size” and choose : 1/2 1/4 1/4:
    ( click to the images to enlarge)

    Now you can pull 1/1 containers to those cells f.e.:

    you see you can nest those columns then.

    One disadvantage is that the grid-row is a full-width container.
    If it has to have the sam width as the other containers there is a script solution for that.

    this to child-theme functions.php:

    /******** Gridlayout not fullsize - give a custom-class to the grid-row element:  "grid-notfull" *********/
    /**** adjust the 1310px in the code here  to your setting on enfold - general Layout - dimensions ****/
    function grid_layout_notfull(){
        $('.av-layout-grid-container.grid-notfull' ).wrap( '<div class="main_color notfullsize color1"></div>');
        $('.notfullsize').css({"clear": "both", "width": "100%" , "float": "left" , "position": "static" , "min-height": "100px" });
        $('.grid-notfull').css({"max-width": "1310px", "margin": "0 auto" , "padding": "0 50px"});
    add_action('wp_footer', 'grid_layout_notfull');

    see here an example page – on top full-width on the bottom with custom-class: grid-notfull



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007, did you try that out and did you have any luck with it @niels?

    Best regards,


    Many thanks for your help @guenni007 – and the notes within the code, much appreciated :)
    I’m going to give that a try later this week and report back here.
    I know creating a Child theme is the right thing to do, but presumably the code will work if I put it in functions.php?
    Also, I see the last line reads:


    I was just wondering what the reference to the footer was?
    Thanks :)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Niels.


    Yes, the code should work the same in the parent theme’s functions.php file, but in order to preserve it after a theme upgrade, you have to install a child theme. :)

    Best regards,

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