I have 2-4 packs of platicon and other. How can I merge these to one pack?
I tried to copy EPS and PNG and other folders but doesn’t work correctly.
Can you describe precisely what to do or do you have an guide for this?
Hey lech07!
Thank you for using Enfold.
There is no option for that, unfortunately. You can import each package manually.
Best regards,
I have tried to import each package manually but all the flaticons doesnt appear.
I have 3-4 packages of icons and want to upload them and use them. If i upload them one by one I dont see all icons in an article.
Where did you get the packages? Please note that some icons in the flaticon library are not supported. Follow the instructions here:
Best regards,
It´s a while ago. But as i remember i downloaded the packages from the two sites that is recommended from Kriesi.
I will try to have a luck at it and test if it will work for me. Cause i want to upload only the icons i need and it could be great to make a package with the icons i will use so wordpress wont get heavy/slow.
You can select the icons that you want and then download it as a single package. Upload the package in the theme Icon Font Manager. However, you can’t combine fonts from the fontello.com and flaticon.com in a single package. You have to upload the packages separately.