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  • #712403


    Sorry I closed case I should not have closed.

    Summary of the issue and your responses:

    Try to upload flaticon to icon uploader but icon only visible as a black square.

    Method used: select black and white flaticon, download SVG, drag the unzipped download SVG format to fontello, then download from fontello as webfont.

    I could not understand why some flaticons are not useable and others are and I asked how do you know? You replied that the icon that is useable should have “Iconfront” clickable … in fact, the iconfonts for these example icons ARE clickable.

    I just don’t understand why some black and white fonts are usable and others are not – despite them all being iconfonts.

    Your advice?



    Hey Richard,

    It actually depends on the iconpack. But since most of the colored iconpacks do not come fully equipped with all necessary files (svg + font files) the importer can not generate the necessary data :)

    Best regards,



    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for sharing.

    Best regards,


    Hi I tried adding this:

    <FilesMatch “\.(ttf|otf|woff)$”>
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”

    To my .htcaccess. But this gave me a error 500.


    @Abosict perhaps your site does not run at a Apache server?
    See here: for the options.


    @colorit2 It does run on Apache.


    thanks Chris

    The solution so far was to create a unique name In Fontello (top-right box to left of download webfont).

    I looked at the CORS Page with interest and will go to that if there any further problems.





    Thanks for sharing your solution! :)

    Best regards,

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