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  • #1343441

    Hi there, I purchased a new license just to get support on existing site, so I hope you can help.

    1) I use advanced layout fields for woocommerce, but for some reason, the code added to css (provided by plugin developer) does not work on destkop, but does only on mobile. Plugin developer claims theme or something conflict, kindly help me to make the changes effective.

    2) On my contact form, I guess I made some mistake, since when I receive email, the field order ID does not show up. Please let me know how to fix that.

    3) Subheading of special heading does not seem to not listen to the fonto and size styling. but it stays default. Specifically, I notice there is less opacity and I can’t increase opacity. Why so?


    Hey Jacopotj,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    1.) There is a css media query in the css field without a closing curly brace, which might have affected the css for the product page. We removed it temporarily.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {

    2.) Did you test the contact form yourself? The order ID field is optional, so it can be left blank. Is it working correctly when you set a validation for the field?

    3.) Where can we check the issue? Please provide a link to the page and post a screenshot. You can use imgur or dropbox for the screenshot.

    If you have any additional questions at this time we kindly ask that you open them up in a separate thread. The longer threads get in the forum, they become more difficult to support as they tend to drift off topic and they also make it troublesome for users trying to search for solutions. Keeping threads relevant to their original inquiry ensures that we can keep better track of what has been resolved and that users can more effectively find answers to similar issues they might be experiencing.


    Best regards,


    Thanks, I fixed issue 1 by adding the css above that code line.

    2) Also, yes I tested again. Even when adding the number, it does not arrive via email.

    3) You can see this here:



    2.) How did you add the number field? This option is not available in the contact form field by default. Have you tried replacing it with the default Text Input field?

    3.) The opacity of the special heading elements in the page is not changed. It is still set to the default value, which is 1 or completely visible without transparency. Please provide a screenshot of the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi there.

    2) No, I added a new line and used the name “number” plus a random ID. But it never gets received even when filled. See the code below

    3) As you see here (and link I gave you) the subheading is clearly not full white (while it is in the block styling).



    Thank you for the update.

    2.) In the number field, an arrow displays or fades-in when it is hovered. This arrow is not from the theme, so something else in your site is modifying it. And the actual type of the field should stay as “text”, and not “number”. Are you using a plugin that modifies the forms, or is there another contact form plugin installed the site? Please check the screenshot below so that you can see the arrow.


    3.) Where can we check the special heading elements shown in the screenshot?

    Best regards,


    Hey, ok I added text, but now there is no number arrows..what I need to add? (if I need to edit functions.php to add number field does not matter, will keep it as generic text)

    As per 2) I provided the page llnk on my second message, + website credentials in the first message I sent here.



    Thanks for the info.

    Looks like you are correct, the opacity of the subheading is actually set to 0.8. To adjust it, please try to use this css code.

    .av-subheading.av_custom_color {
        opacity: 1;

    Best regards,


    Thank you ismael. Will you update this theme-wise?
    I do not think it makes sense to reduce opacity even when picking a CUSTOM color. What is the point of picking custom, if the theme than changes it?



    Thank you for following up.

    According to @guenter this is intentional, probably to give more emphasis to the actual heading. You can keep the css code above if you want to show the subheading without opacity.

    Best regards,


    Yes, of course it is, but if one picks a custom color, than opacity rule should not be activated



    Looks like you are right, the opacity is only set to 0.8 when selecting a custom color. We will look into it further. For now, you can just keep the css code above to adjust the opacity of the subheading.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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