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  • #1159720

    Dear Enfold-Team,

    in some elements like “Special Title” you already offer font sizes in vw-units.
    I also already have learned that in the heading.php in path config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading I can change line 55 and adapt them as I like to have them. I changed mine to this settings:
    __("Flexible font size (adjusts to screen width)" , 'avia_framework') => AviaHtmlHelper::number_array(1,5,0.1 , array(), "vw", "", "vw"),
    It works wonderful.

    Now my question:
    Since it works so well I would like to use the vw-units also for other font sizes, such as in the slider overlay text.
    Unfortunately the slider overlay text (and other texts in other elements, too) only offer px-sizes.
    It would be wonderful if I could somehow change the text size option-list for the overlay text to the same font-size-option-list offered in the Special Titles.

    This would be wonderful for:
    * Slider Overlay Text
    * Standard Text (as in some occasions it’s used for other purpose than just plain text)

    Do you have any idea how I could do that?
    Because the absolute-sized text overlay over the slider doesn’t look good on the entry page when resizing to other screens.

    Thanks a lot,

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by tobiasfries12. Reason: Präzisierung

    Hey tobiasfries12,

    You can look for the files that these components use and try to edit them accordingly or we can help you assign different font sizes and media queries for different screen sizes.

    Which option do you prefer?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    yes, I would like to go and edit the files and edit them.
    The only question is: which ones are the files (and what are the names of the functions) to edit?
    The more information you can provide, the easier, as your code is very well written and highly abstract.

    Can you provide me (and other readers) this information?
    Thanks a lot,


    Hi Tobias, Well, the sliders are in this folder. You can look for the folders with the slider in their name.

    Everything else can be found with text search. I am not sure what you’re looking for specifically.

    Best regards,

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