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  • #402537

    How can I fix the Main-Top-Menu to the browser window? I have already done in yout recent enfold version, but the version 2.9.2, it is not working (looak at link copied in the private content). Thanks!


    Hi jruizmatrix!

    Can you please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make? You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here.
    P.S.: Please do not create duplicated topics as it is making it harder for us and for other users to follow. I closed this one –

    Best regards,


    Sorry Yigit, I did it because the first one wasn’t shown on the forum. Yes of course. I want to do that …

    1) To paste these parts for making an unique main-menu
    2) To fix this previous menu to the top of the browser-window, without leaving holes at the top. Remove this part




    you are using a very old version of the theme. Please update to the newest one (v3.0.8):

    Just go into your menu settings and add those 3 from above into your main menu.

    Add this to your quick CSS to fill the above your header:

    .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #header {
    top: 0px;


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Andy.

    Thanks Andy, but this only fixes the main menu, doesn’t it? I need fix the part where ‘Identificarse’ and ‘Registrarse’ are written. My Enfold version is 2.9.2. I mean … this and this Thanks a lot

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by jruizmatrix.


    Add the menu items of the secondary menu to the menu that you set as Enfold Main Menu. Add this to the Quick CSS field to remove the header_meta container:

    #header_meta { display: none; }


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