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  • #835329


    I have experienced and fixed 2 bugs with the mobile menu in the new Enfold version:
    1) the currently active page doesn’t receive any marking (class name .current-menu-item for example) in the menu anymore.
    2) the mobile menu overlay stays visible when you resize the window to “desktop” size.

    To fix these 2 problems, I have used this code:

    	// Add current-menu-item active state to mobile menu item
    	jQuery('.av-burger-menu-main a').on( 'click', function (e) 
    		var pathName = window.location.pathname;
    		setTimeout(function() {
    			jQuery('#av-burger-menu-ul .av-active-burger-items .sub-menu li a').each(function() {
    				if ( ( jQuery('body').hasClass('home') == false ) && ( jQuery(this).attr('href').indexOf(pathName) > -1 ) ) {
    		}, 1000);
    	// Close mobile menu overlay on resize
    	jQuery(window).on( 'debouncedresize', function (e) { 
    		if ( jQuery('.av-hamburger').hasClass('is-active') ) {
    			jQuery('.av-burger-menu-main a').trigger('click');

    I hope this might help somebody else.
    I have to say, I really like Enfold, but I think it’s a bit of a bold move to rewrite the whole avia.js / menu generating code without warning customers beforehand.

    Have a nice day!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by gugler. Reason: Make 2nd bug description clearer

    Hey gugler,

    Thanks a lot for sharing, much appreciated. We’ll have a look at it to see if it’s something we can add to a future release.

    Best regards,

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