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  • #730131

    Ive uploaded a video to my website (in the color selection) , and have selected a custom “height in pixel” to 400ppx. I like the dimensions of the video, however, the full video does not display. I want the full video to fit in those dimensions (400ppx).

    You can see the full video in the private data below (vimeo link)

    And my homepage with color selection underneath (with cut out video)

    I want to maintain the dimensions I have on my home page, just with the whole video to fit inside of it.


    Hey brettb112,

    I checked your page and I don’t see any video. Have you removed it?

    Best regards,


    nope still there, its in the color section (on main page), the stream is from vimeo..



    Setting a specific height for the slider will create black spaces on both sides of the main container. Is that ok? Please add this in the Quick CSS field.

    #player_734_1843070160_832626560 {
        max-height: 400px !important;
        top: 0 !important;

    Best regards,


    I added it to the quick CSS, no results from it unfortunately.

    Also if I create a custom video that fits 1349×400 (which are the dimensions of the video playback area on my main page) will that eliminate the black bars once I get it working? Id prefer If there were no black bars once I get it working.

    Let me know what you think Ismael, thank you for you time

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by brettb112.


    What is the actual resolution of your screen or monitor? Creating a video with a custom size might work for a certain screen size. If you can provide the login details, we will test the css modification.



    hey ismeal, login details are now below, screen resolution is 1366×788.

    If the playback size has to be adjusted slightly its not a big deal.

    thank you



    inside the color section in question I put “video” as Section ID. Then I used this code inside your Quick CSS field:

    #video {
    height: 556px;

    Adjust height value as needed.

    Best regards,

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