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  • #1371312

    After installing enfold and enfold child theme i tried making changes to the general stylesheet but nothing worked. I disabled all the plugins and cleared the cache multiple times but nothing seemed to work. I’ve made a lot of sites using Enfold but never had this issue before.

    Then I stumbled upon an article of some user saying he deleted the theme and reinstalled it which fixed the same issue. So i deleted both the general and the child theme, dowloaded it again from my envato account and tried to reinstall it. When i try to reinstall i get the message ‘The link you followed has expired.’

    So now Iam left with no working theme at all and a client who is waiting for results. Is it possible to receive a new download or something so i can reinstall and see if the general stylesheet is working again?



    Thanks for contacting us!

    Could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it? :) If you would like us to install the theme via FTP, please post FTP logins here privately as well.



    Hey Jainanvanmeteren,
    Please ensure that you are using the installable WP version of the theme from your Theme Forest account.
    The other zip file has extra directories in it so it won’t install correctly, you could extract it and use the this is inside it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your quick response. When downloading the enfold theme i selected the installable version. I’ve mentioned the title of the zip file below, is that the right one?


    Hello Yigit,
    Thankyou for the response, below is the information



    I was blocked by the security so I could not login to your WP dashboard.

    Could you please post FTP password here privately as well? :)



    Sorry, forgot to add the pasword



    I installed both Enfold parent and child theme via FTP. Could you please go to Appearance > Themes in WP dashboard and try activating Enfold child theme now? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    Thankyou for reinstalling the theme! However, the general stylesheet still doesn’t seem to work. Plugins are al deactivated, cache is cleared multiple times and i also tried every configuration in ‘Merging and compressing CSS files’. Is there anything left i can try to make the general stylesheet working?

    Best regards,


    Hey Jainan,

    Could you please temporarily disable IP restriction? As I mentioned earlier, I am locked out so I am not able to check WP dashboard :)



    i also tried every configuration in ‘Merging and compressing CSS files’.

    so the theme is loading and running – what do you mean by “the general stylesheet?
    you can not change settings on “general styling” tab … ?


    I can change the settings in de gerenal styling tab but the changes don’t appear on the front end of the website


    Hi Yigit,
    If i’m not mistaking the ip restriction is currently disabled



    Could you please contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase PHP Post Max Size and PHP Max Upload Size to 16M? Currently they are 8M and 2M respectively.

    Best regards,


    I’ve asked them to increase the sizes, they will do so asap


    My hosting provider increased the PHP sizes to 16m, what should I do next?



    Dynamic stylesheets also had wrong permissions. I have corrected them and that helped.

    Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thankyou so much! very happy with the fix



    Great, I’m glad that Yigit could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    HI, I uploaded a Google font which doesn’t seem to work. I followed every instruction in your instruction regarding uploading custom fonts. However, nothing seems to work. It is visible in the css but isn’t visible in the front end. Also, the changes i make in the slider caption aren’t visible in the front end.



    Please open a new thread for each of your new problems, this thread is already very long and difficult to follow.

    Best regards,

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