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  • #705300

    A unique issue started happening on our site. Suddenly the first content box, usually a color section, but not limited to that, would not show up, where it has previously done so.

    The only way around that is to duplicate the same section and it would appear again – only one of them, even though they are stacked on top of each other, will show. If we take either one away, it does not show. I have tried deactivating a lot of different plugins, including usual culprits like flow-flow and Vision, but no change. I also have turned all plugins off, but no change.

    This issue is not consistent on all pages – I have included links below. I can also send screenshots if that helps.


    Hey Frank,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The first section is not displaying because you have this css code in the Quick CSS field.

    #av_section_1 {
        display: none;

    That is a generic id of color sections. Please remove it.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael,

    Indeed, that took care of it. No idea how that ended up there. Feeling slightly embarrassed, but just could not figure it out.

    Thanks, Frank

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