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  • #1204702

    Hi, I noticed a problem on my site with Firefox Desktop only. As soon as a cookie is set, pages will not reload to the latest saved version anymore. I tried everything to get rid of that error (opening in private/ikognito loads the latest version, deleting cookies does the job as well), like reducing cache time to 30 minutes on cloudflare, etc. etc.) and changed almost every setting in the theme – no change. Only force reloads will bring the proper site once, but not on revistig any page thereafter
    it doesn’t seem to be a caching issue , but perhaps a timestamp error (i did enable/disable in theme settings – no change for good on firefox desktop mac and windows) … I found a fix for the same problem fo Safari (Desktop/Mac) by changing the homepage adress on the header logo from https to http ….
    Similar to
    Sincerely nine2ten


    Hey nine2ten,
    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the link to your site, I took a look at your site with Firefox & Chrome and I couldn’t see any difference, before or after the cookies were set.
    Which content should we look for to see that Firefox is not showing it correctly?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, thanks for checking! I will add news posts in about 12 hours. In my experience, firefox will not show the updated pages (home, news, category), while Chrome does. if you could leave the page open till then a recheck afterwards, you could perhaps determine what’s causing the issue

    sincerely, nine2ten


    Hi, I added new content and updated the pages, but Firefox doesn’t shows any of it in the browser that I kept open. Every cache was flushed since then.
    sincerely, nine2ten

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thank you, are the urls in the Private Content area the correct ones to see the difference between Firefox and Chrome, or does this error only last for a little while and today they are showing the same content?
    Are you saying that the Firefox browser must be left opened on the page while the site is updated to see the error?
    I see that your logo address is http but my browser always loads https.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, the error persists on firefox desktop as long the cookie is stored in the browser – for safari desktop it helps to change the site-logo to http – users who klick the logo will see the newest content added …. but that trick doesn’t work for firefox … also putting http-urls to my https-site in the logo flags as redirect …. please take a look at some of my settings in the screenshot provided .. thanks, nine2ten


    Please take another look in abaout an hour – I will have a new posting up again then…


    I just added a new posting … sincerely


    Thank you, I have checked your site and compared Firefox with Chrome, clicking on the logo URL and also viewing your new page, but I don’t see a difference. Thanks for the screenshots, I don’t read German, but I can tell that your Enfold Theme Options > Performance > JS & CSS file merging and compression is active along with css & js minifying by WPRocket, and it also looks like you are using Cloudflare. So I would recommend disabling these caching options.
    Cloudflare can take a while to clear it’s cache, and we could see different results because we are in different parts of the world served by different Cloudflare servers. You can expect some time to pass for the Cloudflare servers to cache the new content after you have published it. I don’t find any difference between HTTP & https.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike, your Infos help a lot – just to make it clear – you reccomend:
    – keeping JS & CSS file merging on Enfold
    – stay with wp rocket as cdn
    – disabling css & js minifying on wp rocket
    – keeping cloufflare with css css & js minifying turned on

    please provide alternatve settings if I got it wrong ..

    One other proplem since I have updated to newest WordPress: – Redis Object Cace plugin was enabled but all of the sudden won’t connect anymore …



    The change I would recommend is to not use the cloudflare, since the theme is minifying and WPRocket is acting as a CDN.
    If you are ok with cloudflare taking a while to populate the CDN servers, then you could use cloudflare as a backup CDN.
    Sorry, I have not used the Redis Object Cache plugin, but it seems to have a lot of configuration parameters using TCP ports, perhaps the port has changed or your server firewall is blocking it? I recommend asking the Redis Object Cache support for any tips on this.
    It seems that you are done building your site and the only changes now are when you publish new content, is this correct?

    Best regards,


    hi, excluding /wp-content/themes/enfold/(.*).js from minification and concatenation in wp rocket resloved the issue

    best regards, nine2ten


    Hi nine2ten,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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