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  • #1076277

    Dear Support,

    I am using my shop-website (woocommerce) only for displaying download links.
    I made it via an enfold child-theme.

    Products by Attribute works well on the shop and category pages but not on a decent page.
    It’s neither showing in the sidebar nor in a custom widget area.

    It’s a simple page made with the advanced editor.

    That’s my functions.php

    // Exit if accessed directly
    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
    // AUTO GENERATED - Do not modify or remove comment markers above or below:
    $google_fonts = apply_filters('avf_google_heading_font', array(	__('Default', 'avia_framework') =>'',
        'Dancing Script'=>'Dancing Script',
        'Droid Sans'=>'Droid Sans',
        'Droid Serif'=>'Droid Serif',
        'EB Garamond'=>'EB Garamond',
        'Finger Paint'=>'Finger Paint',
        'Fjord One'=>'Fjord One',
        'Great Vibes'=>'Great Vibes',
        'Josefin Sans' => 'Josefin Sans',
        'Josefin Slab'=>'Josefin Slab',
        'League Script'=>'League Script',
        'Mate SC'=>'Mate SC',
        'Marck Script'=>'Marck Script',
        'Nixie One'=>'Nixie One',
        'News Cycle'=>'News Cycle',
        'Open Sans'=>'Open Sans:400,600',
        'Open Sans Condensed'=>'Open Sans Condensed:300,700',
        'Petit Formal Script'=>'Petit Formal Script',
        'PT Sans'=>'PT Sans',
        'Righteous' => 'Righteous',
        'Roboto' => 'Roboto',
        'Sacramento' => 'Sacramento',
        'Signika Negative'=>'Signika Negative',
        'Source Serif Pro' => 'Source Serif Pro:400,600,700',
        'Terminal Dosis'=>'Terminal Dosis',
        'Tenor Sans'=>'Tenor Sans',
        'Varela Round'=>'Varela Round',
    function hmp_add_custom_heading_fonts( $fonts ) {
        $fonts = array(
            'Merriweather' => 'Merriweather:400,700,300,100',
        return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'hmp_add_custom_heading_fonts' );
    function hmp_add_custom_content_fonts( $fonts ) {
        $fonts = array( __( 'Web save fonts', 'avia_framework' ) => array(),
            __( 'Google fonts', 'avia_framework' ) => array(
                'Open Sans' => 'Open Sans:400,700,300,100',
            ) );
        return $fonts;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'hmp_add_custom_content_fonts' );
    // deactivate the loading of google fonts API via avia completely
    function turn_remove_avia_fonts() {
        global $avia;
        $avia->style->print_extra_output = false;
    add_action( 'init', 'turn_remove_avia_fonts' );
    add_filter('upload_mimes', function ( $mimes = array() )
        $mimes['mobi'] = 'application/x-mobipocket-ebook';
        $mimes['epub'] = 'application/epub+zip';
    	$mimes['azw3'] = 'application/';
    	$mimes['azw'] = 'application/';
        return $mimes;
    } );
     * WooCommerce Extra Feature
     * --------------------------
     * Change number of related products on product page
     * Set your own value for 'posts_per_page'
    function avia_chance_wc_related_columns(){
    global $avia_config;
    $avia_config['shop_single_column'] 	 	 = 5;			// columns for related products and upsells
    $avia_config['shop_single_column_items'] = 5;	// number of items for related products and upsells
    add_action('wp_head', 'avia_chance_wc_related_columns', 6);

    Is it so, that the Filter “Products by Attribute” is only working on shop-pages/category-pages?
    I would like to have the advantages of an enfold-layout and the features of woocommerce.

    Thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Sepppl.

    Dear Support Team,

    I just would like to come back to my issue I am having with using Enfold and woocommerce.
    Would be nice if you have time to check my inquiry.

    Thanks in advance,



    The issue is not on WooCommerce with Enfold, but this custom functionality that you need – right?

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your response.

    I discovered, that if I set up a “custom woocommerce shop overview” page


    add_theme_support( ‘avia_custom_shop_page’ );

    it only works when I asign “shop”-page to the custom page.

    In fact it doesn’t work as a custom page without telling woocommerce that it is THE shop page.

    Filters only working if SHOP is asign to the specific page.

    Do you agree?

    Thanks a lot,


    I did’t answer your question. Yes, I would like to have an Enfold-designed shop page, where filters by attribute are working.


    So the filters do not work on the custom shop page?


    Hi Victoria,
    Thank you for your question.
    In fact I discovered it has to be “shop” asigned to what ever page.
    Normally the enfold advanced editor doesn’t work in that case.
    As I discovered, there is a workaround, you have to put some code into the functions.php to run the advanced editor for the shop-page.
    In that way the filters are working at the custom shop page.

    The thread can be closed.

    Best regards,



    Great, I’m glad you found a solution and thanks for the update. I’ll close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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