Hi! I am probably pushing the limits of your support with this question…. but I’ll ask anyway :-p
Could you provide a list with the themefiles I need to purge when I change the themecolors or font for example? Amazon does not have an option to purge it all…. but you have to purge every file separately. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/Invalidation.html
I would really appreciate the help!
Hi rhvs!
I didn’t get you, what do you mean by “purge”?
Hi Josue, when you use the CDN Amazon Cloudfront, static files such as jpegs, css and js are cached on the Amazon servers. When I change -for example- the colors of my website, there is only one way to “force” the Amazon Cloudfront servers to delete the old files (and then retrieve the new css etc). That’s purge. It would not be difficult if Amazon had a button to clear that cache, but unfortunately I have to give the relative path of every file I want to clear from the cache. So I thought; if there’s one company that may have a list with all the relative paths of the theme files it should be Kriesi!
Enfold just generates one dynamic stylesheet – the relative path is /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold.css
This stylesheet contains all changes you make on the theme option panel.