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  • #26477

    Hey guys,

    quick question, Quform is working fine, most problems that occur are about the styling, but I have a question regarding the “File Upload” which doesn’t seem to work. Any idea why it won’t?

    Example down at the bottom over here:




    Hi Thomas,

    The way that Quform adds in the code for the various forms unfortunately doesn’t work well with the theme. Instead of pulling in an outside javascript file through wordpress it embeds the code directly where the form is which leads to errors wihen used with the advanced layout editor.

    I’ll tag Peter and Kriesi on the topic and maybe they can reach out to the author of the plugin to see about better integration or adding theme support for it like we did with Gravity Forms.




    Thanks Devin! Theme support for Quform would be nice, as I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one using Quform :)

    I’ll fix it with a popup for now and look into Gravity Forms some more!

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