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  • #376727

    I think Enfold hasn’t got a File Viewer, don’t I? Do you know some free plugin for WordPress 4.0 or higher that manages file from an external FTP server (different to the page where WordPress is installed) and after can be shown on an Enfold’s page as a Folders-structure on a Website?

    I would like that administrators of the Website could add files via FTP (Filezilla) and those can be shown on an Enfold page.

    Thanks a lot!


    Hi jruizmatrix!

    You can upload your files in Media > Library and paste the links on your page. If that is not what you meant, could you please elaborate a little more?



    No, I mean … I have an external ftp where users download our drivers (it is a totally different URL). Now They have to access to this URL if they want to download drivers. It’s working perfectly.

    But 3 weeks ago We launched a new Website where users can register. This website is developed with Enfold. We want STH. that can be added to an Enfold’s page that works as a FTP client (inside Enfold’s page) where these users can download that our administrator (through Filezilla) upload.

    1 – Our administrators use Filezilla for updating drivers
    2 – Our users download drivers via our Website on an Enfold’s page (FTP client)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by jruizmatrix.


    I think that would need to be implemented / developed separately, in another directory (outside of WordPress) and then include it in the Enfold install with an iframe.



    Thanks Josue for your quick response,

    But I already did it and on several Browsers like Chrome, this plugin didn’t work correctly. An other way?



    ¿A que plugin te refieres exactamente?



    No, me refería a usar iframes en general, ósea a tener el visor de archivos instalado fuera de WordPress (en un subdirectorio) y mediante un iframe hacerlo aparecer en una pagina del WordPress:

    <iframe src="">

    Para el visor de archivos podrías usar un script PHP como:


    También he probado con etiquetas iframe y al parecer a Chrome no le gustan demasiado. Se bloquea o desaparece la imagen del navegador. Muchas gracias en cualquier caso.

    I would like if some plugin exists which works as I have commented before. But maybe it is not used if It is not developed from zero


    La verdad que no conozco ningun plugin de WordPress que haga eso, intenta buscar en:


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