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  • #636022

    Hi there,

    Following this fantastic solution you gave in to this request i am wondering how can i apply the same layout for the posts that get populated in the search results loop.

    I have tried this but the outcome is much poorer than in your solution in the above request for the populated posts in categories and tags. The preferable blog layout is single-big.

    Any suggestions?



    Hey George,

    Can you post a link to your site please.

    Best regards,


    There you are


    Also another very weird issue I have

    Featured images as part of grid view (blog) look ok but inside a single post -sometimes- they show completely different (don’t align properly, they get cropped etc) links attached.

    The preferable view of course is the one that shows the image correct!

    Any suggestions for that ?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by george.


    The search template will require custom modifications if you want it to look like the default blog layout. Please contact codeable:

    Regarding the thumbnails, the max size of the featured image in the single post page is set to 845x321px. Install the following plugin then go to the Settings > Media panel, adjust the max width and height of the “entry_with_sidebar” and “entry_without_sidebar” thumbnails. Save, update then regenerate the thumbnails:

    Best regards,


    I ll give it a try and i ll come back to let you know


    Maybe i didn’t explain correctly what we need to do here.

    The featured image of our posts is not always the same size for every post. So we are not after a unique and strict size for the featured images inside the single post page.

    As explained, when i see the posts as part of the blog page ie. 3 in a coloumn, the featured images of the posts, look exactly the way we need ie. no matter how tall or wide they are, they always adopt and without getting cropped fit naturally. The problem is inside the post, in the single post page, where, the same featured image that looked fine before, now gets resized and positioned in a very weird manner.

    I understand that when in single post page, the featured image behaves as thumbnail so it has to follow some attributes. But when i tried to set a size as you suggested using the plugin above, the outcome is again not the same as in the blog view of the posts and definitely not the desired; (obviously it has to do with the fact that not all images are the same size – so not a universal rule could apply).

    What we just need to do for them is to make them fit naturally inside the top of the post – as it already happens when we are looking at the them as part of the blog page.

    Is there a way of doing that?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by george.


    Make sure you’re editing the entry_with_sidebar image size, also don’t forget to re-generating the thubmnails.

    Best regards,


    Hi there!

    Ive done that, but I need you to have a look on the way the image gets positioned in the single post page. There is always a weird empty space on the right hand side of the image. And that happens for all blog posts in the category view as well.

    Have i done something wrong in the css?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by george.


    Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:

    .big-preview img {
        width: 100%;



    Spot on !

    Many thnx!

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