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  • #456911

    Hi, Firstly thanks for putting together such a fantastic theme. I’ve managed to put together a site which meets my requirements with very little effort.

    One thing I haven’t figured out is how to modify the featured image width.


    Ideally i would like the image to go all the way up to the header (the blue line in the image) and to the left and the right. so approx 1000px by 370px

    I’ve found a old thread about modifying functions.php

    edited to
    $avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘entry_with_sidebar’] = array(‘width’=>1000, ‘height’=>370); // big images for blog and page entries

    deleted image and reuploaded and it doesn’t seem to have a effect.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    I’ve managed to resize the image by editing includes/loop-index.php

    However I still have a bar around the image. Is there some way to have the image touch all the edges with no spaces above, to the left, or the right?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by aztamer.


    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Add this in the Quick CSS field to adjust the width of the featured image:

    .small-preview img, .big-preview img {
      width: 100%;



    hey thanks the help. Everything looks great now.

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