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  • #1318755

    Hit the titles says, the Featured Image Slider on mobile not working even if the element is not set to hide on small screen.
    The console tells me Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list for slideshow.js
    But can’t find a solution.
    Here is a page
    Thank you.



    Thanks for contacting us!

    I cannot see which version of Enfold you are using as style.css file of the parent theme seems to be modified. Please make sure that you are using Enfold :)

    Best regards,



    Depuis que j’ai mis la version certaines fonctionnalités ne fonctionnent plus !
    Enfold Combo Widget (impossible de changer entre les articles, commentaires, ect . . .
    Le plugin d’Enfold Slider Accordéon ne fonctionne plus !
    Et d’autres fonctions

    Je suis obligé de revenir à la version ultérieur 4.8.5

    J’ai tout essayé et ce n’est pas un problème de plugin

    Merci d’avance


    @yigit thank you for your response.
    To be sure I uploaded again the last version and now even on desktop the Featured Image Slider doesn’t work.
    As topopyrenees is saying, with the last version there is a lot of issues.

    Merci et du meme avis que vous. La derniere version est pleine de bugs.
    Malheureusement je n’ai plus la version precedente.
    Dans l’espoir d’un prochain update tres vite.


    Hi koomo,

    This problem is likely not due to a problem in the theme. Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    All in Private content
    Thank you very much


    Hi koomo,

    Thanks for that. The slider works as it should when logged in, but not when logged out, which would indicate a caching problem. What happens if you disable your caching plugin?

    Best regards,


    Mon problème est résolu,
    Après avoir mis à jour la dernière version de WP-Rocket, mes problèmes ont disparus, tout fonction
    C’était un problème de cache

    My problem is solved,

    After updating to the latest version of WP-Rocket my problems are gone, all function

    It was a cache problem


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Topopyrenees.

    Hi Mariano,

    Great, I’m glad that you got things working again, and thanks for the update.

    Best regards,


    Same here all fine after updating WP Rocket.
    Thank you very much



    Thanks for the update!
    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy your weekend :)

    Best regards,

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