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  • #1429942

    I have several websites with Enfold Theme and I have them all up to date. When doing a search for them in Google the Favicon does not show. I have tried uploading Favicon.ico but it will not allow me to do so. I saw comments about making sure the site is https and it is.

    Thank you for any help.


    Hey SandraSquires,
    Please try uploading your favicon.ico via FTP to the main directory of your site.
    Then you can request a re-crawl of your site in the Google Search Console, it may take some time for it to show in the Google search results.

    Best regards,

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    Thank for the update. I can see that the favicon is showing fine on your site, but we can’t be responsible for what search engines will index or not. I do see that you have selected your home page as your custom 404 page as well though, so your home page will return a 404 error to search engines. Please try using a dedicated 404 page instead, then request a new scan as Mike suggested.

    Best regards,

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    You will have to wait at least a few days for search engine result pages to update, it’s not instant.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    The favicon is showing as it should on my end. We still can’t be responsible for what search engines display and index though.

    Best regards,

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