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  • #1237476

    please help!! I recently updated my php to version 7.4.8 and have now got an error with Enfold

    here are the error details – I have NO idea what they mean :(

    Error Details
    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 489 of the file /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/shortcode-template.class.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/shortcode-template.class.php:489
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/shortcode-template.class.php(443): aviaShortcodeTemplate->create_sortable_editor_element(Array)
    #1 /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/template-builder.class.php(397): aviaShortcodeTemplate->prepare_editor_element()
    #2 /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(287): AviaBuilder->js_template_editor_elements(”)
    #3 /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
    #4 /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #5 /home/bindi5000/public_html/wp-includes/media-template.php(1465): do_action(‘print_media_tem…’)
    #6 /home/bindi5000/public_html/

    here are my wordpress site details:
    WordPress version 5.4.2
    Current theme: Enfold (version 3.6.1)
    Current plugin: (version )
    PHP version 7.4.8

    I know that’s not the latest version of enfold but I can’t seem to update it since encountering this error… I’d love it if someone could help me try and find a way out of this mess :(


    p.s. i have temporarily deactivated all of my plugins and that hasn’t solved the problem


    Hi Genie692,

    Please try to switch to PHP 7.3 for now and see if this helps.

    Best regards,


    changed the php back to 5.6 and the problem disappears


    oops hi Nikko our replies crossed – I’ve switched back to 5.6 and this has solved the problem


    hello again …. no, the problem is NOT solved. i have only four plugins …

    Health Check and Troubleshooting
    Limit Login attempts

    all are deactivated. there are no inactive plugins

    i’ve just looked on phpmyadmin and i’m running 5.6.48


    Hi Genie692,

    I apologize I did not notice that your Enfold version is still 3.6.1 which isn’t compatible with PHP 7, since PHP 7 was released long after that version of Enfold is released.
    Please update to Enfold and have some backup first.

    Best regards,


    hi Nikko, when i check for theme updates in the enfold theme panel, it tells me that there are no updates available. when i click on ‘check manually’ it just lists wordpress version updates – no theme updates

    i am aware that 3.6.1 is not the latest version but i do’nt know any other way to update it


    Hi Genie692,

    I see, unfortunately you won’t be able to update via Theme Options because 4.5.6 is using envato’s API key which envato by today have totally removed and have been using tokens, so please do the following steps:

    • Backup the site, install and activate a maintenance plugin and put your site under maintenance mode.
    • Switch to default WordPress theme (like Twenty Twenty) and delete Enfold theme.
    • Login to ThemeForest and download the latest version of Enfold (use the account you used to purchase Enfold).
    • Unzip the file downloaded from Enfold which should generate a folder, find the file called enfold.zip.
    • In your WordPress Dashboard, upload enfold.zip in the Themes (install and activate), if you’re using a child theme, activate the child theme instead.
    • Check for any errors in your site, if none is found, remove the maintenance mode.

    Best regards,


    thanks Nikko. the site is backed up, that’s not a problem. i have two issues however

    1. how do i put the site into maintenance mode?
    2. i have purchased Enfold twice on Themeforest – one in 2017, for the site under discussion here. the other i have purchased very recently for a different site which is experiencing no issues. On the products panel in Themeforest, I can’t tell which one is which by looking at them. Can you just confirm that if I order them by ascending date of purchase, the one purchased in 2017 will be on top of the list? if there is another way to tell, or if it doesn’t matter which one I use, please let me know


    please ignore question 1 – i’ve just installed and activated seedprod

    sorry for all the silly questions – i’m a beginner at this … someone used to manage the site for me and now i’m doing it myself ….


    Hi Genie692,

    No worries about it :)
    I’ll add a bit to it, before envato uses API key but now, you’ll be using tokens from Envato and you’ll need the following permission:

    • View and search Envato sites (checked by default)
    • View your Envato account username
    • View your email address
    • View your account profile details
    • Download your purchased items
    • Verify purchases of your item
    • List purchases you’ve made

    No need to check which one you’ll need to use because envato will verify it.
    For further information please check: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-registration/

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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