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  • #1101967

    I don’t know if this belongs to Enfold (functions.php) or TEC, but I tried to deactivate Advanced Post Manager and now my site is broken. Any ideas?

    Here is the section of functionsphp

    //Advanced Post Manager
    add_action(‘init’, ‘setup_cpt_filters’);
    function setup_cpt_filters() {
    // globalize it so that we can call methods on the returned object
    global $my_cpt_filters;
    // We’ll show you what goes in this later
    $filter_array = array();
    $my_cpt_filters = tribe_setup_apm(‘my_post_type’, $filter_array );

    Error posting in private space


    I disabled all plugins and get same error. I also tried removing the APM section in functions.php, no change


    I was able to fix it. I renamed the child functions.php and some of the site came back — enough to get me into admin. I reactivated plugins and just about everything came back…..except for my events countdown element — there was no data. I put the child functions.php back and site still works but events countdown still blank as you can see in bottom right corner here:

    (all plugins and theme is up to date — could it be related to previous issue from a couple weeks ago?)

    Its back….don’t you love it when users resolve their own tickets?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by compudean. Reason: issue resolved

    Hi compudean,

    Well, glad you got it working for you! We never got a chance to reply since you were commenting on the tread and by updating it you were putting it to the end of the queue.

    Next time, please refrain from replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,

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